It is not very clear whether this practice is prevalent in the Sri Mutt right from the times of AchArya bhagavatpAda as other AmnAya pIThas such as the govardhana pITha or the jyotirmaTha do not seem to have nR^isiMha as one of the chief upAsyas. The AchAryas of Sringeri have worshipped Lord Nrisimha as one of their chief upAsya devatA-s. Thinking back now, that reply seems superficial as the connection is a lot deeper. I pointed out to him that pashchimAmnAya (and AgneyAmnAya to an extent) was entirely vaiShNava. Last night, a gentleman asked what our relation to nR^isiMha was considering our primary outlook to be that of a shAkta. This entire decade, which serves as a doorway to the new parivR^itti, seems to be nR^isimhamaya. There is definitely some supreme magic behind this slokam and that is Lakshmi Narasimhar.Ĭlick here for Mantra Raja Patha Slokam with meaning The power of this sloka gets multifold when we recite this inside temple with full concentration. Though MantraRaja Patha Slokam is bit long when compared to other small slokams, once we start reciting this, we will feel LOT and LOTs of difference in our thoughts and we will definitely feel closer towards Lord Lakshmi Narasimha. In due course we will definitely feel that we are addicted to Him.

Personally, once we start meditating on Narasimha deva, we can never move away from Him. Wish to share details from the following blog, which moved me a lot.